Simple Methods for Fast Fat loss

Most of us have something in common when we make a decision to lose weight: we would like to lose it quickly. Fast fat loss might not be the best approach to take, simply because some of the methods used for fast weight loss are bad for your health or tough to keep doing for a long enough length of time.

However, there are a few key things that are acknowledged to help speed up weight loss without doing harm to your health:

Drink lots of water

Consuming a lot of water is a great way to help one's body burn more fat, as well as release excess water you could have been retaining as well. Health experts recommend drinking a minimum of 64 ounces of water everyday, but even more than that is safe to drink as long as you don't overdo it.

Do not eat too much sugar

Refined white cane sugar has a damaging effect on the body, namely because of the way it sharply elevates blood glucose levels. Too much swings in your blood sugar causes a kind of yo-yo effect and sometimes leads to problems with the amount of insulin that the system produces.

For reducing your weight fast, there are few actions more powerful than reducing your intake of white refined sugar (and its cousin, high fructose corn syrup) from your diet plan. If you have a sweet tooth, you may realize that fruit is an excellent alternative, and so is low-glycemic agave nectar.

You don't need to give up sweets completely, but to try and substitute healthier alternatives whenever eating sweets. For instance, eat fresh fruits, by eating the whole fruit you'll get the fiber as well which will slow down the absorption of the sugars and inflict less havoc on your body and blood sugar levels.

Salt can make you retain water

Reducing your sodium intake is another strategy to help you speed up weight loss, simply because eating high amounts of salt makes the majority of people retain excess water weight. Also a number of folks are sensitive to sodium, and when those individuals consume too much sodium it can contribute to hypertension and high blood pressure which can result in serious health problems

Starving yourself is bad for your health

People typically believe that reducing their caloric intake down to next to nothing is a good solution to lose weight quickly, however all it does is kick their systems into self-preservation mode and actually slows down their metabolic rate.

A much better tactic is to eat lean, low-calorie healthy foods frequently throughout the day. You not only lessen the likelyhood of eating too much, but it will keep your metabolic processes running more consistently and burning fat much more efficiently. Not to mention that it helps to keep your craving for food more satisfied all throughout the day and your blood sugar will be more steady, thus you should have more energy. Also including a moderate amount of heart-healthy monosaturated fats (like those found in olive oil and avocados) will stop you from feeling hungry.

Burning more calories

Cardiovascular exercises are known for their calorie-burning power, and successful weight loss plans will focus on creating a "calorie deficit". To lose 1 pound, you must either reduce the amount you eat by 3500 calories, or burn off 3500 calories by working out or physical activity. a very effective technique is to do both rather than one to produce a calorie deficit. So, if you lowered your calories by 250 daily (1750 weekly), and worked off 250 calories daily (1750 weekly), you would lose one lb in a week. Which is a healthy and sensible way to lose weight. Rather than drastically trying to adapt to your body's changes doing it gradually will help the body to adapt and you'll be more likely to have long-term success.

Remember that other factors may come into play so some weeks you may lose more and other weeks you could lose less.

Fiber keeps you moving

Upping your dietary fiber consumption is another good way to speed weight loss, for a few reasons. First, consuming high-fiber foods helps you feel filled up longer so you aren't tempted to overeat. Dietary fiber also helps to keep blood sugar levels much more consistent so there's less swings in blood glucose levels, thus helping your eating habits and making weight loss easier. Lastly, a diet rich in fiber helps "keep things moving" in your digestive tract so you clean your colon and eliminate waste more easily.

Make an effort to reduce stress

Last but not least, controlling your stress better will help you lose weight quicker. Stress increases the cortisol in your body which consequently helps the accumulation of abdominal fat. It's virtually impossible to lead a completely stress-free life, but there are endless ways to better control your stress so it doesn't cause havoc on your body. Try meditating everyday for 10-15 minutes, deep breathing exercises, or a soothing exercise such as yoga. Other forms of physical exercise such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc. also tends to be stress busters which help you to unwind.

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