Reasons Why You Are Unable To Lose Weight

If you reach a point where you cannot lose weight regardless of what you do, you could feel like throwing in the towel and giving up for good Don't! There might be a very simple explanation why the weight won't come off and when you resolve it you'll begin to lose weight.

Are you overeating?

Quite often you don't realize just how many calories a food or drink has, so that you consume a lot more calories than you would like to. Create a list of everything you typically eat and drink everyday, and determine the amount of calories that it adds up to. A fast and simple method to calculate the number of calories you should be consuming is to multiply your present weight by 10. That will give you a ballpark figure of the amount of calories you should consume to maintain your current bodyweight. Of course this is just a general figure and it depends upon how physically active you are and just how fast or slow your metabolism is. To lose weight you can decrease the number of calories you consume by 500 daily. So, if you have to consume 2,000 calories to maintain your weight, you would want to cut back to approximately 1,500 to lose weight.

You Aren't Eating Enough

Believe it or not by not consuming enough food you can sabotage your weight loss plans. Your body feels as though it's facing a famine so your metabolism slows down and it becomes very hard to lose weight. Once again, figure out how many calories you're eating every day and if necessary you might have to bump it up a bit. However, don't try and bump it up by eating more junk food calories. Instead, go for higher-calorie healthy foods, like drizzling some olive oil on your salad, or eating an ounce or two of nuts for a snack. And eat smaller meals more often, instead of 3 big meals throughout the day. It'll keep your body's fat burning systems working more smoothly and efficiently.

You don't get enough physical activity

Diet and exercise combine to make a very effective combination to lose weight, it helps you to avoid needing to lower your consumption of calories to drastically while helping you to burn off more fat. If you can reduce your calorie intake by around five hundred calories per day, And burn off five hundred calories a day exercising, you're on track to easily lose up to 2 pounds each week.

Poor dietary habits

What type of foods are you eating every day? Does your diet consist of whole grain wheats, fresh fruit and vegetables and complex carbohydrates? Or do you eat packaged preprocessed foods which can be high in sugar, sodium and the wrong kinds of fats? Naturally, your weight loss is going to be much easier if you feed your body good quality foods. Your body needs the right vitamins and nutrients to run smoothly and burn off fat more efficiently so be sure to eat well-balanced nutritious foods to enhance your weight loss.

Medical Reasons

If you're still unable to lose weight by trying some of the strategies mentioned previously there could be some type of medical reason that's making weight reduction difficult. Two that come to mind are an under-active thyroid gland, or some medication which you might be taking that's making weight loss difficult. Both of these situations may be interfering with your ability to lose weight in which case you should check with your doctor to find out what he or she suggests.

Just don't get discouraged and lose hope and give up. Just because the weight doesn't come off easily it doesn't mean that you won't be able to achieve your weight loss goals, it just takes a little more determination and perseverance than the average person.

Getting rid of Your Unwanted belly fat the Easy Way

Even though a lot of people struggle to lose the belly fat around their waists that their are a few things that you can do to get rid of your ugly belly fat. However, it's important to know that females will generally have a higher percentage of body fat as compared to men simply because they tend to have significantly less muscle. Nonetheless, don't despair but be ready to start losing some of your belly fat.

There's a couple of things which are necessary and needs to happen before you can start to reduce your belly. First, you need to change the way you eat and watch what you eat. One more thing to bear in mind is that you probably have to add more physical activity or exercise into your lifestyle, especially if your work requires you to sit down for almost all of the day. In other words you probably have to lose some weight and lower your overall bodyweight. Although the advertisements that you see nowadays. In the magazines, newspapers and television seem to suggest that you can spot reduce specific areas of your body, the simple truth is that it's not possible to just shed extra pounds from specific parts of your body only.

Changing your eating habits

When you're making changes, you should always be sure you try to eat breakfast and also to eat when you're hungry, preferably before you get ravenously hungry and over-indulge yourself. By denying yourself food and starving yourself you will actually be encouraging your body's metabolic processes to slow down making it much more likely to store any additional calories as fat. By eating on a regular basis and supplying your system with a steady stream of fuel you'll keep your metabolism revved up, and functioning smoother and burning calories more efficiently. Also, try not to eat shortly before bedtime. By eating something shortly prior to going to sleep your body doesn't have time for you to work it off and is more easily stored as fat.

Balanced and healthy diet is one which includes at least a number of servings of fresh fruits and vegetables daily which is fiber rich and helps to suppress. Also, you should try to eat whole grain products rather than processed ones. This means breads and pastas which are made with whole wheat flour or a mix of whole wheat and white flour rather than just white flour. Your system has to work harder to digest the whole grains, thus burning off more energy. Also, when you eat meat you should try and stick to lean meats like poultry and fish.

Elevate your heart rate

When it comes to reducing your weight raising your heartrate will get your metabolism running more quickly and as a result burning more calories. An effective way to increase your heart rate is to do some sort of cardiovascular exercise such as aerobics. Aerobic exercise in contrast to anaerobic exercise burns predominantly fats for a fuel. Plus exercising aerobically also improves your cardiovascular system and has a number of great health benefits.

Surprisingly enough, exercises like crunches isn't going to help you as much because they strengthen muscles instead of burning fat. It's important to lose weight in order to get your abdominals to show and have definition, your ab muscles won't be visible if it's covered by a layer of fat.

So do anything simple and easy and inexpensive, like head outdoors and just walk briskly or jog. If you do not want to go outside, you can jump rope or get a step aerobics video. If you're a guy that likes fishing, try using oars to move your boat instead of the motor. If you can afford it, you can obtain a regular membership at a fitness center or health club, some individuals find it much easier to workout when you are around other like minded fitness enthusiasts.

It may get challenging having to adhere to a workout regimen day in and day out, so just put aside a certain amount of time every day just for working out to help keep yourself motivated. It could be 30 minutes or an hour, make this your time to help yourself, you might even find yourself looking forward to this time alone. Or for people with children or pets you can take them walking with you, and it'll help burn up their excess energy. If you maintain the same schedule each day, it will become part of your daily routine.

So no matter how tough it becomes, or how much you're struggling to reach your weight loss goals and ideal bodyweight just remember that with enough desire, determination and perseverance you'll eventually get rid of your unwanted ugly belly fat.